Hi, i’m brittany!

i’m so glad you’re here.

I am a writer, mom, wife, and obsessed with holistic wellness. I will encourage you to have hope, be free, heal, and enjoy womanhood and motherhood. 

I am a business owner, holistic wellness advocate, mother, and author. I am obsessed with birth! After healing from infertility and battling recurrent miscarriages, I discovered through my painful journey of becoming a mother that one of my callings is to support and encourage women and mothers by sharing my journey. 

I am the founder and CEO of the anti-human trafficking nonprofit, Mission 108, which does advocacy work in the states and runs a safe home in India for girls rescued out of sex trafficking. 

I am also a wanna be Podcaster and host of epic holistic wellness retreats. Always dreaming:)!

It all started when I stared down at an (unplanned but deeply desired) positive pregnancy test not even knowing if two lines meant pregnant or not. A long and painful journey of multiple miscarriages led me to the darkest corners of myself where I questioned who I was and what I believed about God. 

It was through girls rescued from sex trafficking in a safe home in India that I began to question.. If God could save them from the darkest industry in the world… maybe God could save me from my own darkness? 

My mission is to empower women. I do that in a few ways: 

  • Writing love letters. Whether it's on my IG stories or the longest love letter I have ever written, Dangerous Hope. God has given me the gift of writing. I simply pay attention to my own life and the world and write what I see in an intentional way. 

  • Holistic wellness: Our bodies are a temple, an altar, a divine creation meant to be taken care of and nourished. With so many confusing messages about wellness in the world, my goal is to simplify and encourage you to listen to your body’s needs and nourish it in a way that feels good to you. I share holistic wellness tools and supplements that nourish and support the female body in her reproductive years. 

  • Doula and birth work: I take on a select handful of women to support during their pregnancy and birth. If you are interested in working together please email me at brittany@brittanyannross.com. The women I work with desire an autonomous birth where they are willing to take responsibility and ownership of their birth experience.

  • Follow along on IG for more on living a holistic lifestyle.

    If that's you, let's talk!